We are very pleased to be able to include in our new website the kind words about us from the Scottish Affairs Office in Washington, D.C., on behalf of the Scottish Government. We have long enjoyed a helpful, meaningful, pleasant relationship with the Scottish Affairs Office who are very supportive of the Parade and all the associated activities. In fact, we couldn’t phrase it better than they have so read on…
Congratulations to the National Tartan Day New York Committee on the launch of their NYCTartanWeek.org site! This new website will be a great resource for Americans of Scots descent, as well as all those who simply love Scotland by providing up to date information on everything that New York City Tartan Week has to offer, including the ever-popular Tartan Day Parade. The Scottish Government looks forward to working with NYCTartanWeek.org to showcase Scotland, Tartan Week in New York City and our wider Scotland Week promotional activities.
Robin Naysmith
Scottish Government Counsellor, North America