We’ve taken the weekend to digest the news that left us all reeling on Thursday. Drams were consumed and brainstorms were had until the light bulb shone brightly…if the parade can’t take place in Manhattan then why not do it virtually for the whole world to see?! On April 6th 2020 we want you to flood our social media accounts with videos and photos showing you in all your Scottish splendor. Post to our page or group on Facebook and tag us @nyctartanweek on Instagram and Twitter!
Gather your pipes and bands and play your wee hearts out, record us a Celtic tune on your fiddle or accordion, sing or recite you favorite Scottish poem, recite your best Burns quote! Don your ghillies, dance around swords, fold yourself in to a yoga position or two in a kilt, wag your furry tails! Young, old, two legs or four, we want to hear from all of you!
Share this across all you channels and friends, we want to see you in all your Scottish finery – let’s make April the 6th 2020 the first ever Global Virtual Tartan Day!
COVID-19, you may take our parade this year, but you’ll NEVER TAKE OUR PRIDE! Alba Gu Bràth!