What are the rules for marching in the parade?


    There are only a few simple things we ask. Be sure to line up in the designated spot given to you in the line of march. Everyone would love to be in the front, but with nearly 120 entries, it is imperative that we stick to the line-up that the organizers have designated.
    Each entry must walk in an organized fashion such as rows or a choreographed formation. Please don’t just walk as a mob down the parade route. We ask that your designated point person ensure that you stay organized and be sure that you maintain 10-15 feet between you and the group directly in front of you.
    You must have permission to distribute any literature or material to spectators along the parade route (this is typically designated for our parade sponsors). Please contact president@nyctartanweek.org if you are interested in becoming a 2020 sponsor).
    We also do not have permits for motor vehicles and the like to be in the parade. Prams or small individual motorized scooters for individuals with disabilities must be pre-approved by the registration team.